The Titans and Outsiders race to the Empire State Building to disrupt the Fearsome Five’s plot to takeover New York. A solid-but-unspectacular crossover conclusion from the regular Outsiders team of Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo (with a little help from Titan’s scribe Marv Wolfman).
READThe Fearsome Five escape prison and kidnap a scientist, putting both the Titans and Outsiders on their trail. Artist George Pérez rejoins embellisher Romeo Tanghal for this team-up tale, written by Marv Wolfman (with a plot assist from Mike W. Barr).
READA collection of poetic, sci-fi/fantasy-influenced shorts stories and illustrations by the least mainstream member of the legendary Studio, Jeffery Catherine Jones.
READWhile waiting for the results of the latest Legion leadership election, Star Boy shares his origin story with Wildfire. Curt Swan’s bland artwork brings a dated feel to this historical look back, with support from the then-current LoSH creative team of Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen.
READUnder the influence of Crossfire’s Undertaker Machine, Hawkeye and Mockingbird are soon forced to battle each other to the death. A surprise conclusion helps, but, ultimately, Mark Gruenwald’s auteur opus fails to meet its lofty aspirations.
READSilverheels flees the ’Pachee Compound – and the confines of Earth – by crashing the aliens’ Lawkeepers cadet program. This space opera from Bruce Jones and April Campbell shows promise, thanks largely to gorgeous art from a young Scott Hampton.