
Review: Batman and the Outsiders #5

The Titans and Outsiders race to the Empire State Building to disrupt the Fearsome Five’s plot to takeover New York. A solid-but-unspectacular crossover conclusion from the regular Outsiders team of Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo (with a little help from Titan’s scribe Marv Wolfman).


Review: The New Teen Titans #37

The Fearsome Five escape prison and kidnap a scientist, putting both the Titans and Outsiders on their trail. Artist George Pérez rejoins embellisher Romeo Tanghal for this team-up tale, written by Marv Wolfman (with a plot assist from Mike W. Barr).


Review: The Legion of Super-Heroes #306

While waiting for the results of the latest Legion leadership election, Star Boy shares his origin story with Wildfire. Curt Swan’s bland artwork brings a dated feel to this historical look back, with support from the then-current LoSH creative team of Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen.


Review: Hawkeye #4

Under the influence of Crossfire’s Undertaker Machine, Hawkeye and Mockingbird are soon forced to battle each other to the death. A surprise conclusion helps, but, ultimately, Mark Gruenwald’s auteur opus fails to meet its lofty aspirations.


Review: Silverheels #1

Silverheels flees the ’Pachee Compound – and the confines of Earth – by crashing the aliens’ Lawkeepers cadet program. This space opera from Bruce Jones and April Campbell shows promise, thanks largely to gorgeous art from a young Scott Hampton.