Tigra recruits the Thing’s help in her battle against a “null-band”-empowered villain known as the Cougar. An utterly average, mid-Bronze-Age outing from the creative team of Bill Mantlo, Sal Buscema and Don Heck.
READMarvel Boy returns as The Crusader – and the Human Torch barely survives his murderous rampage! Legendary superteam-artist George Pérez earns his first FF credit line, joining the creative team of Roy Thomas and Joe Sinnott.
READKa-Zar! Dr. Doom! Stan Lee and Jack Kirby still cranking out magic together! Throw in some Roy Thomas and Wally Wood and this one is a real treat from the early Bronze Age.
READA group of intelligent apes who worship the memory of Superman wonder if Ben Boxer is the “Mighty One” returned. A solid meditation on myth by Jack “King” Kirby – a creator who knows a little something about the topic!
READOn Christmas Eve 1976, the Avengers are attacked and defeated by a stone ghost of the Black Knight. An odd little story from the team of Gerry Conway, Don Heck and Pablo Marcos.
READDuke “Destroyer” Duck travels across nega-space to avenge the death of The Little Guy at the hands of Godcorp, Ltd. Steve Gerber + Jack Kirby + Righteous Anger = A pretty solid debut issue. (All this, plus the first appearance of Groo the Wanderer, too!)
READDespite a nice Neal Adams/Bernie Wrightson cover and a pair of tales featuring Jack Kirby art, this collection of reprints from House of Mystery just isn’t very scary. Cool? Yes. Scary? No.
READCaptain Victory and the Galactic Rangers destroy an enemy hive world – but evil Insecton survivors flee to Earth! Comics legend Jack Kirby helps usher in the post-Bronze era with this creator-owned epic from Pacific Comics.
READA powerful young man is on a quest to avenge his parents against Hyssa, the tyrannical lizard king. A typical blast of Bronze Age goodness from Jack “King” Kirby, who never got the chance to further develop this world.