
Review: Fantastic Four #236

The Fantastic Four wake to find themselves living normal lives in a tiny town — at the mercy of Doctor Doom! John Byrne delivers one of the best issues of his five-year run with this twentieth anniversary special, which also includes new material from creators Stan “The Man” Lee and Jack “King” Kirby.


Review: X-Men Annual #7

The Impossible Man’s family scavenger hunt brings him into direct conflict with the X-Men – and almost starts an intergalactic war! Writer Chris Claremont, penciller Michael Golden and a virtual horde of inkers team on this slight, silly tale.


Review: Rom #18

Rom mistakenly comes under attack by the X-Men, but the heroes soon team to take on the terror of Hybrid. A strong finish to an X-Men two-parter from the Rom creative team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema.


Review: Star Wars #11

Han and Chewbacca reunite with Leia on the ship of Crimson Jack, while Luke and the Droids battle sea monsters. Archie Goodwin’s story is just OK, but the art team of Carmine Infantino and Terry Austin gives this issue an interesting look.

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