Moro Frost “dies” in World War II, but the Scorpion lives on to battle the Golden Fuhrer in 1975. Not horrible, but this revamp by Gabriel Levy and Jim Craig pales in comparison to Howard Chaykin’s version of the Scorpion.
READTeams of Legionnaires fight Khundish forces hellbent on revenge while Invisible Kid searches for Wildfire in a dream dimension. Another self-assured outing from the classic LoSH creative team of Paul Levitz, Keith Giffen and Larry Mahlstedt.
READIn the lead tale from Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen, Legionnaires investigates a murder on a mining asteroid while others break up a fight between Duplicate Boy and Colossal Boy. Meanwhile, an insert preview introduces Amethyst, Princess of the Gemworld.
READCosmic Boy, enraged by grief, hunts the terrorists who dropped a mini-nuke on the Earth neighborhood where his family lives. Another strong transitional issue from LoSH regulars Paul Levitz, Keith Giffen and Larry Mahlstedt.
READIn the aftermath of their epic battle with Darkseid, the Legionnaires find their downtime interrupted by nuclear terrorists. An emotionally charged, character-driven issue from the creative team of Paul Levitz, Keith Giffen and Larry Mahlstedt.
READWith a big decision to make, Timber Wolf turns to teammate Blok and the Legion archives for answers. Artist Howard Bender joins Legion regulars Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen for a one-off story that doesn’t feel like an adequate epilogue to “The Great Darkness Saga.”
READWith the help of computer tapes, Nicodemus regains his memories and once again schemes to become the Sorcerer Supreme. A solid, done-in-one story from Chris Claremont gets strong art support from the team of Marshall Rogers and P. Craig Russell.
READAngel, Ka-Zar and Zabu launch a desperate attempt to rescue the X-Men from the clutches of Sauron. Soon-to-be X-artist Paul Smith joins Chris Claremont for this strong concluding chapter. Plus, two backup stories featuring art by Michael Golden.
READThe X-Men race to the Savage Land to join Angel in battling a recently unleashed Sauron. The regular X-team of Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum team on a solid-but-not-spectacular X-outing.
READWith Angel and Spider-Man devolved into primordial creatures, it’s up to Ka-Zar and Karl “Sauron” Lykos to save the day. (Yeah, that sounds like it’ll end well.) Chris Claremont, Micheal Golden and others team on another good-but-not-amazing issue of Marvel Fanfare.