
Review: X-Men #102

Lured into a trap at Banshee’s ancestral home, the X-Men battle Black Tom Cassidy and the Juggernaut. While a solid effort, this issue from Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum struggles with both pacing and suspension of disbelief.


Review: X-Men #101

Jean Grey nearly dies saving the X-Men but becomes Phoenix instead … then the rest of the team goes on vacation. A mid-issue shift in plot keeps Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum’s debut of Phoenix from being a classic.


Review: X-Men #100

X-Men try to rescue X-Men but end up fighting … the X-Men? Sentinel shenanigans are afoot – perhaps with deadly consequences! Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum go all in for this celebratory 100th issue of X-Men.


Review: X-Men #99

The new X-Men race to S.H.I.E.L.D.’S orbital platform to rescue teammates captured by the Sentinels. A fun read from Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum – but one that requires some serious suspension of disbelief.


Review: X-Men #98

The X-Men’s Christmas outing to Rockefeller Center is interrupted by the return of the mutant-hunting giant robots, the Sentinels! Great character work and dynamic art anchor this strong effort from Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum.


Review: X-Men #97

As Professor X departs for vacation, the X-Men are inexplicably attacked by Eric the Red – and two of their own! The classic X-Men creative team of Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum are beginning to hit their stride.


Review: X-Men #96

Still reeling from the death of one of their own, the all-new X-Men face off against a demon invasion. Regular writer Chris Claremont settles in, with strong support from team co-creator Dave Cockrum.


Review: X-Men #95

The X-Men battle Count Nefaria and his Ani-Men at NORAD – with tragic results! The shocking death of one of the new X-Men ultimately fails to land the desired emotional punch in this potential-laden outing from Len Wien, Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum.


Review: X-Men #94

When Count Nefaria and his Ani-Men take over NORAD, Cyclops and the new X-Men race to save the day. Legendary X-scribe Chris Claremont joins plotter Len Wein and artist Dave Cockrum for the return issue of Marvel’s ongoing mutant series.

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