The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants goes on the attack, first targeting Ms. Marvel, then the entire Avengers team. A jam-packed superhero treasure by Bronze Age greats Chris Claremont and Michael Golden.
READThe granddaughter of Captain America co-creator Joe Simon talks about children's need for superheroes during the time of COVID. [From The New York Times]
READNonprofit television organization TVW broadcasts Wahl's 2019 presentation on comic books and reality at the Tumwater Timberland Library. [From TVW]
READOff-the-Page Perspective: Expert Talks ‘Four-Color Reality’ and the Impact of Comic Books in America
T. Andrew Wahl talks comic books, history and the power of representation with journalist Luciano Marano. [From the Bainbridge Island Review]
READA video preview for T. Andrew Wahl's 2019-21 Humanities Washington Speakers Bureau presentation. [From Humanities Washington]
READA popular local lifestyle blog visits T. Andrew Wahl's new gallery show at EvCC's Russell Day Gallery. [From Live in Everett]
READThe EvCC student newspaper talks to the college's comics-studies instructor about the new show at the Russell Day Gallery. [From The Clipper]
READThe Snohomish County daily newspaper showcases "Sequential Reaction," a gallery show curated by comics historian T. Andrew Wahl. [From The Herald]
READComics historian T. Andrew Wahl and others react to the death of the Marvel legend. [From The Herald]