
Review: The New Teen Titans #36

The New Teen Titans #36 cover
Cover by George Pérez

The New Teen Titans #36
Published and © by DC, November 1983

Title: “Feedback!”
Synopsis: The New Teen Titans help Thunder and Lightning in a quest to find the brothers’ father and a cure.

Writer: Marv Wolfman
Artist (layouts): Keith Pollard
Embellisher: Romeo Tanghal

Review: The New Teen Titans carries on admirably without signature artist George Pérez for the second straight issue (see review of the previous issue). Guest artist Keith Pollard provides solid layouts while regular inker Romeo Tanghal applies a patina of familiarity. Marv Wolfman’s story is typical of his work on the series: Strong action, mixed success with pacing, and solid soap-opera storytelling that occasionally leans overdramatic (both Robin and Kid Flash need to chill with the internal angst). The New Teen Titans is still above average, but drops back into the pack without the elevatory effect of Pérez’s art.

Grade: B

Cool factor: Another striking George Pérez cover. (His work casts a long shadow, doesn’t it?)
Not-so-cool factor: It’s unclear how Thunder and Lightning’s father is able to take over Raven’s soul self. And how did H.I.V.E. get thrown into the mix?

Collector’s note: According to the Grand Comics Database, there is a 75¢ Canadian variant of this issue. … According to MyComicShop.com, there is also a Mark Jewelers variant.

Character quotable: “Storm’s over, Thunder! The forecast’s changed for the better.” – Robin, boy banterer

Editor’s note: This review was written Feb. 4, 2025.

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