The X-Men head to Japan for Wolverine’s wedding, but the reunion is soon interrupted by Viper and Silver Samurai. This continuation of the Wolverine miniseries offers excellent work from Chris Claremont, Paul Smith and Bob Wiacek.
READFour Legionnaires attempt to free their teammates from Mordru – with the fate of the Earth at stake. The “Earth War” comes to a less-than-spectacular conclusion in this final chapter from Paul Levitz, Joe Staton and Murphy Anderson.
READThe Legion converges on Earth to free the planet from the Dark Circle – only to discover a greater foe! The “Earth War” saga continues to falter with this penultimate chapter from Paul Levitz, Joe Staton and Joe Giella.
READWith the Legion spread thin, the Earth falls before the Khund invasion as the Dark Circle’s involvement is revealed. Artist Joe Staton joins Paul Levitz for a less-satisfying middle chapter of the “Earth War” saga.
READThe Legion sees sinister machinations unfolding – but who is to blame? The Khunds? Their own allies? Or someone else entirely? This second chapter of the “Earthwar” saga is a strong one, from the creative team of Paul Levitz, James Sherman and Bob McLeod.
READStretched thin, the Legion must provide security on Weber’s World while also repelling an incursion of Resource Raiders on Earth. The “Earthwar” saga gets underway in the lead feature from Paul Levitz, James Sherman and Bob McLeod.
READRom is confronted by the ghosts of Starshine and Terminator – but Brandy Clark realizes all is not as it seems. Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema deliver an above-average issue with a hint of intrigue.
READBanished to Limbo by his Neutralizer, Rom discovers another trapped spaceknight and faces off with Space Phantom. This issue features a subpar pair of tales from the regular Rom creative team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema.
READRom mistakenly comes under attack by the X-Men, but the heroes soon team to take on the terror of Hybrid. A strong finish to an X-Men two-parter from the Rom creative team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema.
READRecords reveal the identity of Clairton’s final Dire Wraith – and an even-more-terrifying threat (that’s also on the X-Men’s radar)! A strong outing from the regular Rom creative team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema (with a little help from X-scribe Chris Claremont).