
Review: Rom #21

The Torpedo relocates his family to Clairton, where he mistakenly comes to blows with the town’s Galadorian guardian, Rom. Writer Bill Mantlo delivers a professionally efficient script, with solid art support from journeymen Sal Buscema and Joe Sinnott.


Review: Warlord #35

Warlord’s return journey from Wizard World takes an unexpected detour through a world ruled by chance – and the comics’ creative team. A fun meta-adventure from Mike Grell, with a shoutout to editor Jack C. Harris.


Review: Warlord #33

The Warlord and his latest scantily clad ally, Shakira, are attacked by a race of predatory hawkmen. It’s more of the same from creator Mike Grell and inker Vince Colletta – and that’s not a bad thing.


Review: Warlord #32

Warlord is imprisoned in a land ruled by Titans and – shocker – has to fight his way out of an arena. It’s more of the same – plus the introduction of cat-woman Shakira – from creator Mike Grell and inker Vince Colletta.


Review: Warlord #31

Warlord’s journey home to Shamballah is once again interrupted, this time by wild dogs, trolls and a demon bird. Another by-the-books, swords-and-sorcery one-off from the team of Mike Grell and Vince Colletta.


Review: DC Special #29

When Hitler adds Germanic valkyries to his invasion plans, U.S superheroes band together to form the Justice Society of America. An excellent, done-in-one origin story from the All-Star Comics team of Paul Levitz, Joe Staton and Bob Layton.

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