The Torpedo relocates his family to Clairton, where he mistakenly comes to blows with the town’s Galadorian guardian, Rom. Writer Bill Mantlo delivers a professionally efficient script, with solid art support from journeymen Sal Buscema and Joe Sinnott.
READWarlord’s return journey from Wizard World takes an unexpected detour through a world ruled by chance – and the comics’ creative team. A fun meta-adventure from Mike Grell, with a shoutout to editor Jack C. Harris.
READAn enchanted sword transports Warlord back in time to Wizard World where he is reunited with Mariah and Machiste. A fun outing from writer/artist Mike Grell and inker Vince Colletta.
READThe Warlord and his latest scantily clad ally, Shakira, are attacked by a race of predatory hawkmen. It’s more of the same from creator Mike Grell and inker Vince Colletta – and that’s not a bad thing.
READWarlord is imprisoned in a land ruled by Titans and – shocker – has to fight his way out of an arena. It’s more of the same – plus the introduction of cat-woman Shakira – from creator Mike Grell and inker Vince Colletta.
READWarlord’s journey home to Shamballah is once again interrupted, this time by wild dogs, trolls and a demon bird. Another by-the-books, swords-and-sorcery one-off from the team of Mike Grell and Vince Colletta.
READCaptain America shifts between several different realities before realizing something is very wrong with America! An excellent political parable from J.M. DeMatteis, Mike Zeck and “Quickdraw Studios.”
READWhen Hitler adds Germanic valkyries to his invasion plans, U.S superheroes band together to form the Justice Society of America. An excellent, done-in-one origin story from the All-Star Comics team of Paul Levitz, Joe Staton and Bob Layton.
READCaptain America races against time to stop the Red Skull’s powerful “sleeper” robots two decades after World War II. A reprint of a classic Cap story from Marvel founding fathers Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, with finished art by George Tuska.
READThe Justice Society disbands and new superheroine Firebrand joins the All-Star Squadron on a mission to Mexico. A labor of love – albeit one missing some magic – from the team of Roy Thomas, Rich Buckler and Jerry Ordway.