
Review: Fantastic Four #232

Fantastic Four #232 cover
Cover by John Byrne and Terry Austin

Fantastic Four #232
Published and © by Marvel, July 1981

Title: “Back to the Basics!”
Synopsis: Diablo’s elemental minions attack the Fantastic Four individually, but the FF comes together to battle as a team.

Writer: John Byrne
Penciler: Byrne
Inker: Byrne (as Bjorn Heyn)

Review: By the early 1980s, Marvel’s first family had seen better days. Things weren’t exactly dire, but the glory days of Stan and Jack were an increasingly distant memory. Enter John Byrne. Already established as a superstar penciler, Byrne took over Marvel’s creaky flagship as its writer and inker, too. The results were immediate: While there’s clearly a feeling-out process going on, this done-in-one tale bristles with energy. Almost immediately, Byrne puts his stamp on the characters and establishes a sense of excitement for what would prove to be an epic FF run of his own.

Grade: A-

Second opinion: “Writer Byrne appears to combine a genuine affection and enthusiasm for his subject matter with a bold willingness to experiment and challenge the status quo.” – Timothy M. Walters, Comic Effect #40, Fall 2004 … “Byrne has come through with flying colors, and Fantastic Four is once again one of the top books on the stands.” – Comics Coast to Coast #1, 1982 … “(Byrne) has at last found his creative niche on the Fantastic Four. … His proficient skills as writer, illustrator and embellisher of this book have appropriately earned him the title of Marvel’s ‘triple threat.’ ” – Kevin C. McConnell, The Comics Journal #69, December 1981 … “The (series’) savior came in the form of John Byrne.” – Adrian P. Snowdon, FantaCo’s Chronicles Series Annual #1, 1983 … No. 98 on Marvel’s “Greatest Marvels of All Time” list. … “Byrne brought back much of the classic feel of the ‘old’ Fantastic Four and his run is generally considered to be a second golden age.” – The Slings & Arrows Comic Guide (second edition)

Cool factor: John Byrne unleashed. That’s a good thing.

Notable: Cameo appearance by Dr. Strange.
Collector’s note: According to the Grand Comics Database, there is a 20p British variant of this issue. … According to MyComicShop.com, there is also a Mark Jewelers variant.

Character quotable: “Sue, don’t ask any questions! Just do as I say!” – Mr. Fantastic, showing off that silver tongue that makes him such a hit with the ladies

A word from the writer/artist: “I tried to do a very primal FF story. I decided to do something that was not much more than a punch-’em-up, with elements of characterization thrown in for good measure.” – John Byrne, talking about his first issue at the helm of the Fantastic Four, in Amazing Heroes #1, June 1981

Editor’s note: This review was originally published by Comics Bronze Age on July 13, 2009.

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