Rom #21
Published and © by Marvel and Rom © Parker Brothers, August 1981
Title: “Move Over Rom – There’s a New Hero in Town!”
Synopsis: The Torpedo relocates his family to Clairton, where he mistakenly comes to blows with the town’s Galadorian guardian, Rom.
Writer: Bill Mantlo
Artist (penciler): Sal Buscema
Artist (finisher): Joe Sinnott
Review: Bill Mantlo delivers an incredibly efficient script here. In less than a full issue, the writer relocates the Torpedo to Clairton, connects the arriving hero to the title’s Dire Wraith mythology, explores Rom’s emotional turmoil, and recaps both protagonists’ back stories. Oh, and there’s the requisite heroes-mistakenly-fight-before-joining-forces initial encounter. Whew.
Title: “Trouble in Paradise!”
Synopsis: A compromised Terminator returns to Galador’s Hall of Science to threaten the stored human remains of the planet’s Spaceknight legion.
Writer: Bill Mantlo
Artist (penciler): Sal Buscema
Artist (embellisher): Joe Sinnott
Review: The “Saga of the Spaceknights!” backup ramps up the drama, ending with a tense cliffhanger.
Grade (for the entire issue): B+
Cool factor: This is a quintessentially professional comic book circa the early ’80s.
Collector’s note: According to the Grand Comics Database, there is a 20p British variant of this issue.
Character quotable: “I grow tired of these misunderstandings.” – Rom, thinking about the times he’s been punched by Earth’s heroes
Editor’s note: This review was written Jan. 20, 2025.