Mighty Samson #30
Published and © by Gold Key (Western), December 1975
Title: “The Balloon Gods”
Synopsis: Samson and friends encounter survivors living in the ruins of the N’Yark Macy’s who worship pre-disaster Givingthanks Day Parade balloons.
Writer: Arnold Drake
Artist: Jack Abel
Review: As Bronze Age Minute readers already know, this reviewer has a soft spot for Christmas comics. But, while it was the Santa on the cover that landed this issue in the buy pile, it’s actually a Thanksgiving comic. (Or Givingthanks Day, as it’s called in this post-apocalyptic future.) Similar in tone to Jack Kirby’s Kamandi (see reviews), Mighty Samson offers up some goofy, seasonally themed fun. But without the benefit of the King’s madcap inventiveness and powerful pencils, it feels a bit flat by comparison. (Of course, Gold Key comics rarely deliver the feast promised by their striking, painted covers!)
Grade: C+
Cool factor: Where to begin? Just look at that cover: A himbo and a dude is scuba gear riding Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons into battle against a giant dog/pigeon mutant. How could that not be cool?
Collector’s note: According to the Grand Comics Database, there is also a Whitman edition of this issue.
Character quotable: “Surely that one was used to scare children! See his red and evil face!” – Prince Jonz, no fan of Santa
Editor’s note: This review was written Aug. 12, 2023.